Friday, May 29, 2009

Yard Sale

I had my first experience yard saleing in Ecuador and let me say it was quite the experince. It is much more than an older person hobby here; it is an extreme sport. I must admit that it was fun. I was also able to purchase prizes for the kids at La Libertad. The point store for the youth is approaching soon and they are excited. Game Day is this coming Thursday which will be the big event of these six months. The points that they have been earning (through memorizing Bible verses, anwering sermon questions and attending the youth service) will be added to as they participate in Game Day. Then the following week they will be able to cash their points in for prizes. I am really proud of the youth as they have been working hard and it has been rewarding to see how they have been growing. This past week I was really impressed by some kids who stayed a little later to review sermon stuff. As I asked them questions they did an awesome job. It was a big encouragement to know that they are learning and that God is working in their lives. Here is a short video of the youth playing a game...

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