Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Did you know?

Did you know that for just over $6 dollars a month a child in Ecuador can be provided with a safe place to stay, food, and an education? During my two week trip to Ecuador last summer I learned this truth. It takes very little money to help a lot of people live a life that we take for granted every day. I also learned that ministries like Isaiah 61 International are doing something about it. This has inspired me to invest what I have. I know that something seemingly small can have a huge impact in the lives of other people. This is the purpose of the album, "Sunset Dreams." The CD is meant to encourage and inspire as well as financially support children and ministries, such as Isaiah 61, in the country of Ecuador. If you would like to learn more visit Isaiah61international.org or to hear some of the music visit myspace.com/acolite777

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Good News

I just heard from the consulate of Ecuador in Washington about my visa. It looks like they need me to send them a prepaid envelope and then it should be on its way.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My visa status

Still waiting to hear about my visa... A little over a month ago I sent out for my six month visa to be able to stay in Ecuador. Please pray that it will come back. All of my important documents were sent out with the paperwork and I need them to travel. There are 46 days in counting and the final peices are yet to come together. :)

Thoughts on integrity and destiny

Integrity starts and continues with the little choices. It is way too easy to live life stuck in a rut by daily carrying out the same bad habits and devoting precious time to “busywork.” It is often overlooked that every decision is taking you one step closer to or farther from your destiny. The place that you would envision yourself in the future might, in reality turn out to be very different if you don’t take intentional action. You might wake up one day dismayed and dissatisfied because the lack of firm conviction has caused you to follow a path leading you away from your ultimate dream. Integrity enables you to look back on life and be unashamed of the choices you made and the direction your life has taken. Your story can be told without fear or shame. It was a life lived with purpose and purity… We need to be people who are consciously aware of the choices we are making, big and small alike. It says in Hosea 4:6 that the people perish because a lack of vision. So many times we get caught up in the here and now, accomplishing the tasks that are in the day, or devoting time to things that shift our vision off what really matters. Jesus must first and foremost be our vision. He has designed us to live diligently and purposefully with our eyes fixed on the “hope that is set before” us. With this in mind, our lives are instruments to be used. So take action! Live intentionally and realize that every choice is leading you in a specific direction. That direction can either be towards a good, pure, integrity-filled destiny or some unknown location to which you wander. It is your choice…

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Big Dreams

When I was a kid I had two dreams: to be a famous singer and to travel around the world helping other people. Like many other kids I had a lot of big ideas and even bigger passion. I wanted to make a difference and I wanted to sing until I could not sing anymore. I had no idea how it was going to happen I just knew that it is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. A lot has changed since the days of “mattress” concerts held in my room and raking leaves for “The Elise-Bre Missions fund” but the one thing that has never left is the passion.

Ok, so I am not a famous singer but I am taking part of something even more exciting. I am singing for the sake of the gospel. In Chronicles 16:8-9 it says, Oh, give thanks to the LORD! Call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples! Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him; talk of all His wondrous works.” This is the perfect picture of what I feel called to do.

I am working on a recording a cd to share the truth with hurting people. The cd contains songs such as, “Sunset Dreams” and “No Place to Go” that are inspired by personal life experiences and lessons that God has taught me. I am so excited because not only are they songs to encourage the listeners but also peoples all over the world, specifically in the country of Ecuador.

How will it affect people in Ecuador? Well, on the 19th of January I will be traveling to the beautiful nation of Ecuador. I plan to take as much money as I can to support the ministries I will be working with which would include any money that might come from the cd. This means ministries such as Isaiah 61 International and La Iglesia de Dios will be able to reach more people through the provision of more funds. (Did you know it can cost as little as 4 dollars a month to provide a child with food, shelter and care for a month?)

As I have seen from previous experience, every little bit helps. Like the parable of the talent, I may not have much but what I have I want to invest. Recording the cd and taking the trip to Ecuador are investments of time, money, and energy and I do not know what the return will be here. However, I know, eternally they are priceless investments.

I am grateful to God that the passion never died. I pushed it down, I denied it and sometimes I tried to hide it but He has always had a bigger, better plan. He used my little childhood desires and made them “a dream come true.” Now, it has turned out better than I could have planned or imagined and all because of His grace. All praise and glory be to Him!

For more details or about the cd, the trip, or the ministries please contact me at acolite777@hotmail.com . Or if you have any other questions, are interested in making a donation or joining the team through prayer support please contact me. Also, some of the songs from the cd can be sampled at www.myspace.com/acolite777

Monday, November 3, 2008

Why Ecuador? Why Now? (Part Two)

Why Ecuador? Why Now? (Part Two)

In the fall of 2004 I went to Bible school. I stayed for three years and graduated with a major in Biblical Studies and a minor in Missions. Though many things had happened to get me to that point, it was there, at Elim Bible Institute the real journey began. I faced battles that I did not think I would survive. There were many times that I wanted to run and hide from call I had on my life. There was even a point were I doubted everything that I had been seeking all those years including the existence of God. But through all of the hard times and the struggles He kept me safe. He showed me that though the valleys are deep and He will always be there to see me through.

Even in the present I question whether or not I will be able to overcome the storms of life or if I will have the strength to do what God is calling me to do. Every day is a lesson on trust. I am learning to rely on Him and know that His truth will prevail over any kind of doubt. It is in these times that the words of my former teacher, Brother Jeff Clark, echo in my heart.

I listened in the chapel service as he relayed the story of the disciples in Matthew 14. Jesus had just commanded the disciples to go to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. He was on the shore watching. He saw them toiling and rowing and then He went to them. He stepped into the boat and calmed the storm, safely bringing them to the other side. Brother Jeff spoke these words, “everything you need is contained in the word ‘go to the other side’… the truth and the power of [His] command, ‘Go into all the word and preach the Gospel,’ in that word is all the resource that we need, all the strength, all the anointing, all the provision and all the power to do what [He] has commanded us to do.” He will take us to the “other side.” He will be with me even when everything else is against me. Even though the storms might rage the God who called me will see me through.

It is with this message woven into my life that I move forward. The command of God to “go into all the world” and the workings of His Spirit have put a love for Ecuador in my heart and continue to spur me onward. I cannot escape what He is leading me to do.

Just this past August, I was about to go back to school to get my degree in Social Work. I was enrolled in classes, playing on the Nyack Warrior volleyball team and set up to stay there for the school year. The more time that I spent there the more my heart was turning within me. Every day the simplest things would bring me to tears; the turmoil inside my spirit was strong. I wondered if I was doing the right thing. I would ask God to speak to me. I could not seem to hear His voice. But every time I prayed the song, “You said,” would come to mind. I would feel a burden in my heart for the country of Ecuador. I felt a peace as I sang, “Ask and I’ll give the nations to you, O Lord, that’s the cry of my heart…”

I knew what I needed to do. I knew that He was calling me to go. After some painful goodbye’s and hard decisions I packed my bags and headed home…

Now I am packing my bags to go to Ecuador. I will leave January 19th and return July 10th. All the details are slowly coming together as I talk with Isaiah 61 International ministries, and other people I hope to assist during the six months I will be there.

Praise God for His awesome plans! He has known and planned each one of our steps before we take it. I trust this truth for my life and for yours. Cling to His promises and know that He is faithful to see you through. Many blessings to you!

Why Ecuador? Why Now? (Part One)

Why Ecuador? Why Now?

These two questions bring back a flood of memories. When I hear them, my mind starts scanning over the possible responses. It is difficult to keep my answer to the length most people expect when I think about all that has happened in relation to my decision to minister overseas for six months. In sifting through the stories and plethora of thoughts, it ultimately has to do with calling, timing and God’s hand working in my life.

Since I was ten years old I can remember having the desire to “go all around the world and help people.” I went to a camp where missionaries told about their adventures to foreign lands and about how they saw the lives of other people changed. Hearing the stories stirred up a strong desire in my heart to do the same.

As time passed and the teenage years approached the passion I had grew dormant. I was not sure if my childhood aspirations were a reality or an unattainable dream to which I once held. When I heard about a short term trip that my church was going to take to Ecuador I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to uncover the mystery.

I went for two weeks and I loved it. During my time in Ecuador the passion was reignited, even stronger than it had been before. I was so excited about it that I returned the following summer. As the year after that was approaching I began to question my purpose for going, “Do I want to go to Ecuador because I had an amazing time or because I am called? How do I know if I am really meant to be a missionary?” I wanted to know that I was meant to be there.

It was around that time I heard of an opportunity to go to Bolivia for two weeks. I decided to go there to “test” my true calling. I was excited about it but when I talked to other friends regarding Ecuador, my heart was saddened. I wanted to go there. At that point I had already committed to go to Bolivia and was going to continue in that direction. But I prayed to God, “Lord, if there is any way, please let it be. Let me go to Ecuador.” I asked Him to open and close doors accordingly so that I would be exactly where He wanted me to be.

A few days after I prayed that prayer I received a call from the leader of the Bolivia team. The group would no longer going on the trip. For some reason the plans were falling through. I was astonished but I knew that God was speaking to me- I was meant to go to Ecuador.

A few months later I was headed to Guayaquil, Ecuador ready for God to do something big. Every second there was a gift from God. One night in particular stands out in my memory. It was around 10:00 pm and I slipped out of my room. I headed for the rooftop of La Casa Alianza. The breeze was blowing and the temperature seemed perfect. When I got to the top I looked out upon the houses of the people living there and the grandiose mountains in the distance. I started talking to God and thanking Him for all the things He had done and for bringing me to such an amazing place. As I stood there God spoke to my heart, “You are going to come back here.” A peace settled over me. Here was my calling…